Our mission is straightforward: We’re here to expose the truth that no celebrity, no matter how famous, holds any special power in the world of crypto. The idea that their endorsement gives their coins value is a myth we’re ready to shatter. We believe that people are tired of being sold empty promises and worthless coins by those who think their fame makes them invincible. Celebrity Fail is here to disrupt this toxic cycle and prove that no one is above accountability.

We’re targeting the entire market cap of celebrity-backed shitcoins, and we’re just getting started. We’ll begin with a few notorious examples, but our list will grow every time another celebrity decides to jump on the crypto bandwagon, thinking they can dupe people with their newfound “expertise.”

Rather than falling victim to yet another celebrity scam, we’re inviting you to join us in taking a stand. It’s time to show these self-important figures that their influence stops here. Let’s put them on notice: the days of easy money and unquestioned authority are over.

This isn’t just about pushing back; it’s about building something better. By coming together, we can thrive as they falter. We’re not just spectators in this space—we’re active participants in a movement that refuses to be deceived by the hollow promises of celebrity culture. Let’s succeed on our own terms while watching the so-called stars lose their shine.


Beyond being a group of unapologetic degenerates united in our mission to call out these celebrities, this coin comes with absolutely no promises or guarantees. We’re not here to sell you dreams or make empty commitments. There’s no roadmap, no grand vision, and definitely no bullshit.

This coin is all about the community— a place where like-minded individuals can come together, have some fun, and poke holes in the inflated egos of celebrity culture. We’re not trying to convince anyone that this is a revolutionary project or the next big thing in crypto. It’s simple: no promises, no expectations—just a shared mission to cut through the nonsense and have a good time doing it. If you’re looking for something serious, this isn’t it. But if you’re in it for the laughs and the camaraderie, welcome aboard.

